Academic CV [pdf]
Ph.D. in Astrophysics
2015, University of Turku, Finland
Supervisors: Prof. Juri Poutanen
Opponent: Prof. Dong Lai (Cornell University)
Thesis title: Radiation and matter interaction in strong magnetic fields of neutron stars
Master of Science in Astronomy
2009, St Peterburg State University, Russia
Supervisor: Prof. Dmitrij I. Nagirner
Thesis title: Compton scattering in strong magnetic field
Research Interests
Extreme Accretion & Physics of Compact Objects
Radiative Transfer Theory & Radiation Hydrodynamics
Computational Physics & Parallel Computing
Plasma Physics
Binary Evolution & Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
Mar 2022 - now Stephen Hawking Fellow, Uni. of Oxford, UK
Mar 2022 - Oct 2022 visiting Veni Fellow, Leiden Observatory, Leiden Uni., The Netherlands
Nov 2018 - Feb 2022 Veni Fellow, Leiden Observatory, Leiden Uni., The Netherlands
Nov 2015 - Oct 2018 PostDoc, Anton Pannekoek Institute, Uni. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nov 2011 - Oct 2015 PhD student,Uni. of Oulu/Uni. of Turku, Finland
Apr 2012 - Nov 2015 Magnus Ehrnrooth Fellow, Uni. of Turku, Finland
Feb 2011 - Mar 2012 CIMO Fellow, Uni. of Oulu, Finland
2009-2011 post-graduate studies, Saint Petersburg State Uni. / Pulkovo Observatory, Russia
2004-2009 Undergraduate student, Saint Petersburg State Uni., Russia
Fellowships, Honors, Awards
2021 - Stephen Hawking fellowship awarded by UK Research and Innovation
2018 - Veni laureate, awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
2017 - award for Beatriu de Pinós fellowship (respectfully declined due to acceptance of Veni fellowship)
2017 - First runner-up for the nomination for the 2017 ``Mike Revnivtsev Prize” which is sponsored by ESA, IAPS, INAF, and IKI, and awarded to a young scientist with excellent recent achievements in the field of X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy
2015 - Award for the best thesis of year 2015 of the Doctoral Programme in Physical and Chemical Sciences of the University of Turku, Finland
2012-2015 - Three personal research grant from Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation awarding grant for researchers working in mathematics and the natural sciences
2011 - CIMO (Centre for International Mobility) grant for research and study in Finland
2009 - Award for the best master thesis in astronomy of year 2009 in Saint Petersburg state Uni.
Teaching experience
2023-2024 - Tutor, course in Astrophysics C1 (MPhys. Major), Uni. of Oxford
2023-2024 - Online couse in Evolution of Isolated and Binary stars for high school student
2022-2024 - Online couse in Astrophysics of Black Holes, White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars for high school students
06-08.2019 - The Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students 2019, Leiden Univ.
09.2017 - course in Open Problems of Modern Astrophysics, Univ. of Amsterdam
09.2016 - course in Open Problems of Modern Astrophysics, Univ. of Amsterdam
10-12.2013 - Teaching assistant, course in Time series analysis in astrophysics, Univ. of Oulu
02-05.2013 - Teaching assistant, course in Theoretical astrophysics, Univ. of Oulu
10-12.2012 - Teaching assistant, course in Relativistic astrophysics, Univ. of Oulu
10-12.2011 - Teaching assistant, course in Stellar structure and evolution, Univ.of Oulu
10.2009-06.2011 - Astronomical seminar for students and PhD students, Saint Petersburg State University
Student supervision
Master students (4)
2023 Snehit Panghal, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata
2022 Matteo Walls, Uni. of Oxford
2020 Alexander Batrakov, Saint Petersburg State Uni.
2019 - 2022 Ivan Markozov, Saint Petersburg State Uni.
BSc students (4)
2017 - 2019 Ivan Markozov, Saint Petersburg State Uni.
2018 Koen Leegwater, Uni. of Amsterdam
2017 Boris Wolvers, Uni. of Amsterdam [BSc Thesis pdf]
2016 Patrick Verhagen, Uni. of Amsterdam [BSc Thesis pdf]