Alexander Mushtukov

Alexander A. Mushtukov

Astrophysicist at the Uni. of Oxford


Link to my publications in ADS

Publication Statistics:

           Total number of citations:    2250    
           Total number of papers:    68 
           Total number of refereed papers:    65 
           Number of first-author papers:   22
           Number of second-author papers:   7
           Papers of citaion count >100:    5  (incl. 3 first-author and 2 second-autor)
           Papers with mentees:    8
           Hirsch factor:    27

(4 refereed publication)

[68] V. Loktev, S.V. Forsblom, S.S. Tsygankov, J. Poutanen, A.A.Mushtukov, A. Di Marco, J. Heyl, et al.
      Exploring polarization and geometry in the X-ray pulsar 4U 1538-52
      submitted to A&A

[67] S.V. Forsblom, S.S.Tsygankov, V.F. Suleimanov, A.A.Mushtukov, J. Poutanen
      Revealing two orthogonally polarized spectral components in Vela X-1 with IXPE
      submitted to A&A

[66] Q.C.Zhao, L.Tao, S.S.Tsygankov A.A.Mushtukov, H. Feng, M.Y.Ge, H.C.Li, S.N. Zhang, L.Zhang
      Continuous evolution of the polarization properties in the transient X-ray pulsar RX J0440.9+4431/LS V +44 17
      A&A, 693, 241

[65] A.A. Mushtukov, A.Y. Potekhin, I.D. Markozov, S. Nallan, K. Kornacka, I.S. Ognev, V. Kravtsov, A.A. Dobrynina, A.D. Kaminker
      Neutrino beaming in ultraluminous X-ray pulsars as a result of gravitational lensing by neutron stars
      submitted to MNRAS

(10 refereed publications)

[64] L. Ducci, A. Santangelo, S.S. Tsygankov A.A. Mushtukov, C. Ferrigno
      Searching for redshifted 2.2 MeV neutron-capture lines from accreting neutron stars: theoretical X-ray luminosity requirements and INTEGRAL/SPI observations
      A&A, 690, 309

[63] S.V. Forsblom, et al.
      Probing the polarized emission from SMC X-1: the brightest X-ray pulsar observed by IXPE
      A&A, 691, 216

[62] J. Poutanen, et al.
      Studying geometry of the ultraluminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 using X-ray and optical polarimetry
      A&A, 691, 123

[61] A.A. Mushtukov, A. Weng, S.S. Tsygankov, I. Mereminskiy
      Flickering pulsations in bright X-ray pulsars: the evidence of gravitationally lensed and eclipsed accretion column
      MNRAS, 530, 3051

[60] A.A. Mushtukov, A. Ingram, V.F. Sulaimanov, N. DiLullo, M. Middleton, S.S. Tsygankov, M. van der Klis, S. Portegies Zwart
      Magnetospheric Flows in X-ray Pulsars I : Instability at super-Eddington regime of accretion
      MNRAS, 530, 730

[59] A. Veledina, et al.
      Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE
      Nature Astronomy, 8, 1031

[58] C. Flexer, A.A. Mushtukov
      Interactions between radiation and magnetospheric accretion flow of bright X-ray pulsars: radiation pressure and photon escape time
      MNRAS, 529, 1571

[57] Q.C. Shui, S. Zhang, P.J. Wang, A.A. Mushtukov, A. Santangelo, Shuang N. Zhang, et al.
      Cyclotron line evolution revealed with pulse-to-pulse analysis in the 2020 outburst of 1A 0535+262
      MNRAS, 528, 7320

[56] I.D. Markozov, A.A. Mushtukov
      Apparent luminosity and pulsed fraction affected by gravitational lensing of accretion columns in bright X-ray pulsars
      MNRAS, 527, 5374

[55] J. Heyl, et al.
      Complex rotational dynamics of the neutron star in Hercules X-1 revealed by X-ray polarization
      Nature Astronomy, 8, 1047

(9 refereed publications)

[54] V. Doroshenko, et al.
      Complex variations of X-ray polarization in the X-ray pulsar LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431
      A&A, 677, 57

[53] C. Malacaria, et al.
      A polarimetrically oriented X-ray stare at the accreting pulsar EXO 2030+375
      A&A, 675, 29

[52] V.F. Suleimanov, et al.
      X-ray polarimetry of the accreting pulsar GX 301-2
      A&A, 678, 119

[51] A. Salganik, S.S. Tsygankov, V. Doroshenko, S.V. Molkov, A.A. Lutovinov, A.A. Mushtukov, J. Poutanen
      RX J0440.9+4431: another supercritical X-ray pulsar
      MNRAS, 524, 5213

[50] A. Asthana, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Dobrynina, I.S. Ognev
      Bright X-ray pulsars as sources of MeV neutrinos in the sky
      MNRAS, 522, 3405

[49] A.A. Mushtukov, S.S. Tsygankov, J. Poutanen, V. Doroshenko, et al.
      X-ray polarimetry of X-ray pulsar X Persei: another orthogonal rotator?
      MNRAS, 524, 2004

[48] S.V. Forsblom, et al.
      IXPE observations of the quintessential wind-accreting X-ray pulsar Vela X-1
      ApJ Letters, 947, 20

[47] S.S. Tsygankov, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Mushtukov, et al.
      X-ray pulsar GRO J1008-57 as an orthogonal rotator
      A&A, 675, 48

[46] A.A. Mushtukov, S. Portegies Zwart
      Bright X-ray Pulsars: how outflows influence beaming, pulsations and pulse phase lags
      MNRAS, 518, 5457

(10 refereed publications)

[45] V.F. Suleimanov, A.A. Mushtukov, I. Ognev, V. Doroshenko, K. Werner
      Mean opacities of a strongly magnetized high temperature plasma
      MNRAS, 517, 4022

[44] S.S. Tsygankov, et al.
      The X-ray polarimetry view of the accreting pulsar Cen X-3
      ApJ Letters, 941, 14

[43] V. Doroshenko, et al.
      Angling for x-ray pulsar geometry with polarimetry
      Nature Astronomy, 6, 1433

[42] A. Salganik, S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Lutovinov A.A. Mushtukov, I.A. Mereminskiy, S.V. Molkov, A.N. Semena
      First characterization of a new High Mass X-ray Binary in LMC eRASSU J050810.4 − 660653 with SRG/ART-XC, NuSTAR and Swift
      MNRAS, 514, 4018

[41] J. Mönkkönen, S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Mushtukov, V. Doroshenko, V.F. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen
      Constraints on the magnetic field structure in accreting compact objects from aperiodic variability
      MNRAS, 515, 571

[40] A.A. Mushtukov, S.S. Tsygankov
      Accreting strongly magnetised neutron stars: X-ray Pulsars
      Invited chapter for the "Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics"
      (Eds. C. Bambi and A. Santangelo, Springer Singapore, 2022)

[39] A.A. Mushtukov, I.D. Markozov, V.F. Suleimanov, D.I. Nagirner, A.D. Kaminker, A.Y. Potekhin, S. Portegies Zwart
      Statistical features of multiple Compton scattering in a strong magnetic field
      Phys. Rev. D, 105, 103027

[38] A.S. Gorban, S.V. Molkov, S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Lutovinov
      Changes in the nature of the spectral continuum and the stability of the cyclotron line in the X-ray pulsar GRO J2058+42
      Astronomy Letters, 48, 4

[37] S.S. Tsygankov, S.V. Molkov, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Mushtukov, I.A. Mereminskiy, A.N. Semena, P. Thalhammer, J. Wilms, A.A. Lutovinov
      SRG/ART-XC, Swift, NICER and NuSTAR study of different states of the transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J0903-531
      A&A, 661, 45

[36] I.A. Mereminskiy, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Lutovinov, S.S. Tsygankov, A.N. Semena, S.V. Molkov, A.E. Shtykovsky
      Losing a minute every two years: SRG X-ray view on the rapidly accelerating X-ray pulsar SXP1323
      A&A, 661, 33

(5 refereed publications)

[35] A.A. Mushtukov, S. Portegies Zwart, S.S. Tsygankov, D.I. Nagirner, J. Poutanen
      Pulsating ULXs: large pulsed fraction excludes strong beaming
      MNRAS, 501, 2424

[34] A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, S.S. Tsygankov, S. Portegies Zwart
      Spectrum formation in X-ray pulsars at very low mass accretion rate: Monte-Carlo approach
      MNRAS, 503, 5193

[33] A. Lutovinov, S. Tsygankov, S. Molkov, V. Doroshenko, A. Mushtukov, V. Arefiev, I. Lapshov, A. Tkachenko, M. Pavlinsky
      SRG/ART-XC and NuSTAR observations of the X-ray pulsar GRO J1008-57 in the lowest luminosity state
      ApJ Letters, 912, 17

[32] S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Lutovinov, S.V. Molkov, A.A. Djupvik, D.I. Karasev, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Mushtukov, C. Malacaria, P. Kretschmar, J. Poutanen
      X-ray pulsar XTE J1858+034: discovery of the cyclotron line and true optical identification
      ApJ, 909, 154

[31] X. Chen, W. Wang, Y. M. Tang, Y. Z. Ding, Y. L. Tuo, A.A. Mushtukov, O. Nishimura, S. N. Zhang, M. Y. Ge, L. M. Song, F. J. Lu, S. Zhang, J. L. Qu
      Relation of cyclotron resonant energy and luminosity in a strongly magnetized neutron star GRO J1008-57 observed by Insight-HXMT
      ApJ, 919, 33  

(2 refereed publications)

[30] S.S. Tsygankov, V. Dorosenko, A.A. Mushtukov, F. Haberl, G. Vasilopoulos, C. Maitra,
     A. Santangelo, A.A. Lutovinov, J. Poutanen
      The unusual behaviour of the young X-ray pulsar SXP 1062 during the 2019 outburst
      A&A, 637, 33

[29] V. Doroshenko, et al.
      Hot disk of the Swift J0243.6+6124 revealed by Insight-HXMT
      MNRAS, 491, 1857

(8 refereed publications)

[28] S. Molkov, A. Lutovinov, S. Tsygankov, I. Mereminskiy, A. Mushtukov
      Discovery of a pulse-phase-transient cyclotron line in the X-ray pulsar GRO J2058+42
      ApJ Letters, 883L, 11

[27] S.S. Tsygankov, V. Dorosenko, A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, A.A. Lutovinov, J. Poutanen
      Cyclotron emission, absorption, and the two faces of X-ray pulsar A 0535+262
      MNRAS Letters, 487L, 30

[26] J. Mönkkönen, S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Mushtukov, V. Dorosenko, V.F. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen
      Evidence for the radiation-pressure dominated accretion disk in bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28 using timing analysis
      A&A, 626, 106

[25] A.A. Mushtukov, I.S. Ognev, D.I. Nagirner
      Electron-positron pairs in hot plasma of accretion column in bright X-ray pulsars
      MNRAS Letters, 485, 131

[24] A.A. Mushtukov, G.V. Lipunova, A. Ingram, S.S. Tsygankov, J. Mönkkönen, M. van der Klis
      Broadband aperiodic variability in X-ray pulsars: accretion rate fluctuations propagating under the influence of viscous diffusion
      MNRAS, 486, 4061

[23] A.A. Mushtukov, A. Ingram, M. Middleton, D.I. Nagirner, M. van der Klis
      Timing properties of ULX pulsars: optically thick envelopes and outflows
      MNRAS, 484, 687

[22] S.S. Tsygankov, V. Dorosenko, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Lutovinov, J. Poutanen
      Study of the X-ray pulsar IGR J19294+1816 with NuSTAR: Detection of cyclotron line and transition to accretion from the cold disk
      A&A, 621, 134

[21] S.S. Tsygankov, A. Rouco Escorial, V.F. Suleimanov, A.A. Mushtukov, V. Dorosenko, A.A. Lutovinov, R. Wijnands, J. Poutanen
      Dramatic spectral transition of X-ray pulsar GX 304-1 in low luminous state
      MNRAS Letters, 483, 144

(5 refereed publications)

[20] A.P. Igoshev, S.S. Tsygankov, M. Rigoselli, S. Mereghetti, S.B. Popov, J.G. Elfritz, A.A. Mushtukov,
      Discovery of X-rays from the old and faint pulsar J1154-6250
      ApJ, 865, 116

[19] S.S. Tsygankov, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Lutovinov, J. Poutanen
      On the magnetic field of the first Galactic ultraluminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124
      MNRAS Letters, 479, 134

[18] A.A. Mushtukov, S.S. Tsygankov, V.F. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen
      Ultraluminous X-ray sources as neutrino pulsars
      MNRAS, 476, 2867

[17] A.A. Mushtukov, A. Ingram, M. van der Klis
      Propagating mass accretion rate fluctuations in X-ray binaries under the influence of viscous diffusion
      MNRAS, 474, 2259

[16] A.A. Mushtukov, P. Verhagen, S.S. Tsygankov, M. van der Klis, A.A. Lutovinov, T. I. Larchenkova
      On the radiation beaming of bright X-ray pulsars and constraints on neutron star mass-radius relation
     MNRAS, 474, 5425

(4 refereed publications)

[15] A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, S.S. Tsygankov, A. Ingram
      Optically thick envelopes around ULXs powered by accreting neutron stars
     MNRAS, 467, 1202

[14] V. Doroshenko, S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Lutovinov, A. Santangelo, V.F. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen
      Luminosity dependence of the cyclotron line and the accretion regime transition in 2015 giant outburst of V 0332+53
     MNRAS, 466, 2143

[13] S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Mushtukov, V. Suleimanov, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Lutovinov, P. Abolmasov, J. Poutanen
      Stable accretion from the cold disc in highly magnetized neutron stars
     A&A, 608, A17

[12] S.S. Tsygankov, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Lutovinov, A.A. Mushtukov, J. Poutanen
      SMC X-3: the closest ultraluminous X-ray source powered by a neutron star with non-dipole magnetic field
     A&A, 605, 39

(3 refereed publications)

[11] S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen
      Propeller effect in action in the ultraluminous accreting magnetar M82 X-2
     MNRAS, 457, 1101

[10] A.A. Mushtukov, D.I. Nagirner, J. Poutanen
      Compton scattering S-matrix and cross section in strong magnetic field
     Phys. Rev.D, 93, 105003

[9] S.S. Tsygankov, A.A. Lutovinov, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Mushtukov, J. Poutanen
      Propeller effect in two brightest transient X-ray pulsars: 4U 0115+63 and V 0332+53
      A&A, 593

(4 refereed publications)

[8] A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, S.S. Tsygankov, J. Poutanen
      The critical accretion luminosity for magnetized neutron stars
      MNRAS, 447, 1847

[7] A.A. Lutovinov, S.S. Tsygankov, V.F. Suleimanov, A.A. Mushtukov, J.Poutanen, V. Doroshenko, D.I. Nagirner
      Transient X-ray pulsar V0332+53: pulse phase-resolved spectroscopy and the reflection model
      MNRAS, 448, 2175

[6] A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, S.S. Tsygankov, J. Poutanen
      On the maximum accretion luminosity for magnetized neutron stars: connecting X-ray pulsars and ultra luminous X-ray sources
      MNRAS, 454, 2539

[5] A.A. Mushtukov, S.S. Tsygankov, A.V. Serber, V.F. Suleimanov, J. Poutanen
      Positive correlation between the cyclotron line energy and luminosity in sub-critical X-ray pulsars:
      Doppler effect in the accretion channel

      MNRAS, 454, 2714

[4] V. Doroshenko, S.S. Tsygankov, C.Ferrigno, E. Bozzo, A. Lutovinov, A. Mushtukov
      V 0332+53 sets out slowly this time, will it ride fast?
      The Astronomer's Telegram, No.7822


[3] A.A. Mushtukov, J. Poutanen, V.F. Suleimanov, S.S. Tsygankov, D.I. Nagirner, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Lutovinov
      On the origin of cyclotron lines in the spectra of X-ray pulsars
      proceedings of the conference "Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary"

(1 refereed publication)

[2] J. Poutanen, A.A. Mushtukov, V.F. Suleimanov, S.S. Tsygankov, D.I. Nagirner, V. Doroshenko, A.A. Lutovinov
      A Reection Model for the Cyclotron Lines in the Spectra of X-Ray Pulsars
      ApJ, 777, 115

(1 refereed publication)

[1] A.A. Mushtukov, D.I. Nagirner, J. Poutanen
      Relativistic kinetic equation for Compton scattering of polarized radiation in strong magnetic field
      Phys. Rev. D, 85, 103002

Astrophysics, Department of Physics, Uni. of Oxford
Denys Wilkinson Building
Oxford OX1 3RH, UK
