Selected talks:
Extreme accretion onto strongly magnetrised neutron stars
Seminar at Saint Petersburg State Uni.
April 2021
What does the flickering of X-ray pulsar tell us about?
Talk at the department of Relativistic Astrophysics of Sternberg Astronomical Institute
January 2021
X-ray Pulsars at Very Low Luminosity State
Talk at conference "High Energy Astrophysics Today and Tomorrow" @ Moscow, Russia
December 2019
Propagation of mass accretion rate fluctuations
in X-ray binaries under influence of viscous diffusion
Talk at conference "The Future of X-ray Timing" @ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 2019
Some Theory of Propeller Accretion
Talk at workshop "From winds to Jets" @ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
July 2019
ULXs: the Strongest and the Brightest Magnets in the Universe
Astronomy colloquium @ Tübingen Uni., Germany
June 2019
Accretion geometry of ULX pulsars
Talk at "Ultra-luminous X-ray pulsar workshop" @ ESO, Madrid, Spain
June 2018
Newspaper articles:
What X-ray pulsars are noising about?
[read in Russian]
published in newspaper "Troitskiy Variant", June 2022
The Brighetest Magnets in the Universe: reality or illusion?
[read in Russian]
published in newspaper "Troitskiy Variant", May 2022